Second Life - Hmmm... looks interesting. Only $9.95 (one time for basic/monthly for premium) and to start your own virtual life in a game that allows you to build your own island, hang with pals or create your own worlds and games (neat). Mac and PC. Imagine the Sims without a leash.. only, you make the expansion packs allowing people to visit or even charge them money if you want.
Looks like people are also making real money (that's U.S. dollars, folks) by making their own special items and membership clubs. There's even a trading value on Second Life money (called Linden L$), which means people are actually trading real money for virtual money to convert that back into real money for profit. This is crazy! Looks kinda serious, tho.
I'd seen this game a couple of years back and gave it no second thoughts but, perhaps that will change. If anything it looks like the awesome virtual chat/game-room I'd spent 4+ hours looking for about a week back. 7 day trial might be a must.
Here's a fun image gallery of the some of the worlds of Second Life (WARNING: may contain 18+ material, just like the game).
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