Wednesday, October 31

All November Long!!!!!!!!! Whooo!

Happy Halloween! My little blog here will be moving it's home for November.
It's time to do the November Blog-a-Day thing. Jump-in! It's fun.

Visit NaBloPoMo

Monday, October 8

More than you knew before (wink)

Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1:Deep Water
2:Babies with Rabies
3:Exploding toilets
Three people who make me laugh:
Three Things I love:
2:Video games
3:Free thought
Three Things I hate:
Three things I don't understand:
2:No control
Three things on my desk:
3:French Vanilla Cafe
Three things I'm doing right now:
3:Secret Stuff
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:Truly Relax
2:Visit Japan
3:Build a refuge for wayward friends
Three things I can do:
2:Draw a hand-turkey
3:Lie to myself
Three ways to describe my personality:
3:Not worried about contradictions
Three things I can't do:
1:Give birth
2:Birth miracles
3:Stop being myself
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Friday, June 15

C is for Cheesy

Joystiq really hooked us up with their link to Yahoo!'s 10 Top Cheesiest Classic Game Commercials. Just when you think #9 and #10 are pretty cheesy, the antics get worse and worse as the list goes on. I can't say I remember all of these commercials, but they sure do take me back to the good old days of gaming (the 80s). Enjoy!

Top 10 Cheesiest Classic Games Commercials from Yahoo!

Thursday, May 17

Monday, April 9

Gigantic morning wood

I'm stealing sharing this photo from one of my favorite sites, to give you a few laughs to carry you through the day.

Eric Conveys an Emotion
is still ONE OF THE BEST SITES ever. It's too bad Eric's job at Yahoo! is keeping him from doing more emotions.

Phew... I laugh and laugh. There are so many good hits on his site. You're sure to find some favorites of your own. If you haven't done so already, go on.. get emotional.

Sunday, April 8

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

Hope you had a safe and fun time this year.

May your eggs have been fresh and colorful.
May your chocolate have been creamy and bunny shaped (who knows why we eat the egg-bearer??).
May your Peeps have been frothy and sugar coated.
And finally, may 2008 bring more of the same goodness and even better times next year.

Friday, April 6

It's not too late to start your adventure

Gamestop has curiosly re-listed Final Fantasy XI for Xbox 360 (listed at $19.99) which had gone MIA. Players wanting to get into FFXI had to resort to crazy online searches ending in Canadian e-stores or to find copies as the game was mysteriously pulled from shelves. Luckily someone, at Square-Enix presumably, woke up and realized that the new influx of gamers on 360 was going to come to a quick end with no more copies available. Yay SQEX!!!

The Vana'diel Collection 2007 for PC (listed at $29.99) includes all expansions from Rise of the Zilart to the newest Treasures of Aht Urghan.

Along with the replenishment of game copies, Square-Enix has opened pre-orders on a new FFXI premium soundtrack, listed at $89.00. This 7 disc compilation includes previously unreleased tracks and 51 page score of the previously unreleased piano arrangements. Whoa!!

If you wanna' play with Varchesis (me) on FFXI, make sure to join the Asura server. New adventurers wanting to get into FFXI can now pick their servers right off the bat during character creation. How many years were we waiting for that feature?

Great rewarding fun will be had in Vana'diel plus you get a free in-game mentor/guide (me) to help you learn the ropes and avoid the pitfalls.

Join up today and we'll have some fun gaining levels and making friends! Find out more about the exciting world of Vana'diel. Get in before April 16th and we can even do some Easter fun together! Score!!

Read the new VGCATS comic series, set in the FFXI world

Nintendo DS owners rejoice!
A new Chocobo game is here for your favorite handheld. Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales for DS was released April 3rd.

"Jump into the action and play as one unflappable chocobo in this Final Fantasy inspired storybook adventure..." -Gamestop

" When a magic book ruled by an evil demon swallows up the farm, it's up to Chocobo, Black Mage, and White Mage to save the day." - RPGamer

Wednesday, April 4

NEW - Geekdom News Bar!

HowD, folks! We've got an exciting new feature here on Original Geekdom called Geekdom News. The Geekdom News bar gives you the latest from the world of Video Games, Anime, HD and Homebrew all right here! Wow!!

I'm very happy with the GNB and hope to see new, cool features like this from the cool Blogger community. I've also moved around some other blog elements to make the blog flow a little better. Hope you can handle a little change.

Happy blogging and thank you for reading.

Monday, April 2

Final Fantasy VII CRISIS CORE Trailer (Subbed)

Can't see the video? Click here to jump to YouTube.
(thanx kadaaju)

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core for PSP looks like it will be a grand adventure. Action RPG with classic Square Enix drama. The Crisis Core website has gone live in Japan. You can download wallpapers for PC and PSP. For now, only Zack and Angeal have bios (in Japanese) on the character page.

I can hardly wait for all the PSP love coming from Square Enix. Final Fantasy Tactics, Crisis Core, FFI, and FFII. There's also a rumor of some other game(s), previously unreleased for PSP to further temp us PSP fans.

In May, Square Enix is having a big party to announce and demo a good number of games from cellphones to next gen systems. From the titles listed, there seems to be a large number of handheld games coming in 2007 and 2008. Visit the official Square Enix Party 2007 Japanese website here. - Buy Video Games for Consoles and PC - From Japan, Korea and other Regions!

Wednesday, March 7

Let's go Home this Fall

Wow. I've seen a lot of different opinions online about the up and coming Playstation Home.
The video sends my imagination into a new level. Sony really may have a huge hit here with a free virtual environment with customizable avatars, games, shopping and media sharing.
Playstation Home coming this Fall.

Comparisons between Nintendos Miis and the Playstation avatars are obviously being drawn but it's like comparing a Yaris to a Ferrari.

This isn't just a little space to run around and act dumb (surely, there will be lots of that), but a space to truly experience virtual luxury living from your sofa with friends across the globe.

Sure, the Sims and SecondLife do customizable avatars and mini-games right now. Playstation Home looks to take the good things in both without restricting them to simplistic gameplay and push the social aspects further with more options: on-screen keyboard, usb keyboard or bluetooth headset. But are these really the only options? The biggest asset to the social dynamic could be that simple thing called a 'sofa'.

Being able to relax on the 'old couch' adds a level of comfort to your experience. Jumping into Home to play a mini-game with your friends in London could really take a load off and reduce the dependence on the computer and it's draconian surroundings.

What many people forget is that the Sims, MySpace and SecondLife require the USE of a computer. With PS3 you're not restricted to a small monitor, small space and limited media devices. Sharing a favorite song or video with a friend in your avatar's room could be a truly sensory experience unlike any other when playing in surround sound stereo or with a HDTV. No more tiny speakers or tiny low-res display.

Sony is once again giving a clear direction for luxury gaming. Sure $600 is a lot for a game system, but how much is a virtual community worth? How much do users on SecondLife spend in a year?

Playstation Home is a free virtual environment which ties into the Playstation world. If you and a friend have the same PS3 game, you could launch it from Home and when you're done, go back 'Home' and share some photos.

Nothing else does this. This will be cool. Playstation Home will be awesome.

Cheers, Sony!

Sunday, February 25

Level Up!!!

Final Fantasy XII completed!!

100+ hours of scrummy RPG goodness.
More fast paced than FFXI and more beautiful and well developed than FFX.
Initially, I thought that the criticism of FFXII music was short-sighted. I love the soundtrack to Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story, but as it came down to the final scenes of the game, composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, left us with no memorable tunes or well fit themes. Not bad music, but not great.
All in all, FFXII is a RPG definitely worth finishing for the amazing game art by Akihiko Yoshida during the end-game credits.

For more information on this wonderful game, visit the official FFXII site (English).
For even more fun while playing FFXII, try this goofy drinking game, if you dare!
And finally, a preview image gallery for those wishing to go on a grand adventure.

Thursday, February 15

Friday, February 9

Monday, February 5

Postcards from the edge of the Web

This is awesome but oh so disturbing, too.
See the others here. (from cnet)

A Fairytale You Could Have Written

While I still think that RocketBoom will never be the same without that lovely dork, Amanda Congdon, our new friends there have left us a wonderful video-fairytale-of-a-treat. A New York story like none other. A story about many people. A story about someone like you. A story that can carry on.
The fairytale you could have written.

Amanda Congdon on MySpace (I still don't support MySpace use, like you care)
Exquisite Corpse on Wikipedia

Tuesday, January 30

Mini Review: Why We Want to Be Rich

Why We Want You to be Rich: Two Men - One Message
by Donald J. Trump, Robert T. Kiyosaki, Meredith McIver, Sharon Lechter

What can I say about this book?

Well, it's a good read if you can stomach a book on personal development/finances. Some people can, some can't. I personally love personal finance/development books. My understanding of the world in general has increased dramatically, mostly I feel, due to learning more about the world of money. Anyway, back to the book.

Kiyosaki's Contribution
Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of the best selling Rich Dad Poor Dad series, does his usual thing in WWWYTBR. Where as Kiyosaki's usual thing is explaining the serious world of finances in brief with anecdotes and life lessons, this makes this usual thing a great thing! Definitely a great read for the new financial philosopher, if you will.

Kiyosaki makes financial intelligence, usually an intimidating and foreign topic, clear and approachable. For that, I say he is one of the most important writers of our times. In each chapter, Kiyosaki also gives you more than the typical advice and helps you feel confident that you too can get to your dreams.

Trump's Contribution
Donald Trump, real estate mogul and media celeb, shares his wisdom in a more responsive manner. Sadly, Trump rarely brings up a new topic not hit on by Kiyosaki and that really shows the difference in the two authors. Kiyosaki definitely leads in this book, Trump follows up. I say 'follow up' because it really isn't a matter of finishing up each topic. Trump seems to be unable to bring new advice and lessons to the table. While not boring to read, sometimes the Trump chapters seem a little uninspired.

Final word
A great book for you folks wanting to learn more about money and its influence on our world. Great coverage and insight into the two men and their views on financial matters. Enlightening and inspired writing by Kiyosaki. With unique mental toughness and a persistance-based attitude, Trump shares what key factors he believes make you successful.

I would have preferred this was another great Kiyosaki book, but additional insights on the wisdom of Trump were also helpful.

Book Grade: B-
Readibilty: High
Re-readability: Low

Don't Freeze

WARNING: Pacific Northwest
The cold is coming your way again.

The good people at the Farmer's Almanac have predicted another cold-wave.
(thanx rgb)

"Winter will be a bit colder than normal, on average, with above-normal snowfall... The heaviest snow will fall in mid- to late February, with other snowfalls in mid-November, early to mid-December, and early to mid-January."
-F.A. Online

So, drag out those puffy blankets and fluffy socks. Stock up on end-of-the-world-type items, 'cause a cold front is lumbering towards you, if you haven't noticed.
Is this really global warming or a schedulled chill-down? (notice the date)

If you feel that global warming is the cause of your abnormally chilly weather, take action now.

I personally think that Mama Earth will shake off humans when we get too annoying, but that may not be what we global warming or an ice age. Why? Because humans have survived and dang-near thrived in freezing conditions.

Of course, all this is a bunch of male-cow manure if you don't believe in evolution and modern science, but we'll see who's right when people are selling Shamu burgers cheap during the next ice age.

Monday, January 15

Playstation Network Returns!

I'm sure everyone was worried sick, but I've finally gotten my PS3 back onto the Playstation Network. Turns out that my router was being a bit unfriendly with the PS3 after the recent power outage thanx to our wind/rain/snow storm a little while back. Those of you in the Seattle area know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, I found a great little guide from
Lyndon M STAFF's AvatarLyndon M STAFF

from this PS3 forum discussion. Thanx a million Lyndon M STAFF!!!
You brought my lonely PS3 back to the internets!

Now, what kind of interents-guru-wannabe would I be if I didn't make sure you knew how to do this yourself? So, here in super tiny text (copy and resize the text yourself) is a virtual copy of the guide to getting your PS3 or any other device (in most cases) back into the wireless or wired fold at home.

Here it is:

It confused me at first too- no worries. You may be surprised how easy it is once you get through it.

First off go into the PS3's Settings menu and go down to System Settings- in here you will find an entry called System Information. When you look at this one of the things you will find is the PS3's MAC Address- think of this as an ID number for the PS3 to identify itself to the router. Write this number down and then go into the router's option pages on the computer.

Now, once you log into the set up section here you should be able to find a spot called DHCP. Depending on the make of your router this may be its own section or maybe in a portion of the Wireless area. On the page for this you should see several things.

First you should see two choices- Enabled and Disabled. Make sure Enabled is checked. Now, further below is a spot marked "Enter a new MAC Address" or just "MAC Address"- it should look like six small entry blanks separated with a hyphen. Enter in the address you grabbed out of the PS3's settings pages. Finally you will see a spot to assign an IP address with most of it filled in already (192.168.0.___). Most routers start with addresses starting at 100 and end at 199 so put a number somewhere between that range that you know won't be used by anything else such as your computer (make it 125 as an example). Once you are done with that there will be a button at the bottom of the page marked Apply, Save or OK. Hit that and you are almost done.

Back to the PS3- go into the network settings you made before and edit this just a bit. What you should do is put in a custom IP address- namely, the one you told the router to give every time the PS3 wants online. Once that is done just go through to the end and save. If everything is in correctly you should be able to start gaming online.

Here's a fun video of some celebs enjoying the PS3.

Wait! Was that P.Hilton I saw? Nah....


Saturday, January 13

Sony fan to Sony Execs

Dear Sony Execs,

You don't know me. I am a guy who bought a PS2, PSP and a PS3. I love your products.
Hell, I almost bought a Sony Vaio laptop 'cause they're the best looking laptops on the market.
What I'm really concerned about is: who the heck are you guys trying to be now and what is your agenda?

I frequently look at my game collection and wonder where all the goodness went. I can't seem to understand what went wrong with PSP. Sure I have lots of PSP games, but RPG fans like me are starting to be concerned if you've lost that genre on handhelds. You guys can't lose RPGs, ever! RPGs are your ace in the hole. Sure, you've sold about 20 million PSPs but I still rarely see them in the wild. Do you execs even have or use your PSPs?
Is it do what I say, not what I do at Sony?

On the topic of management...
I don't know who is hiring all the noobs who keep trying to bring the company to its knees, but they need to be let go. It's time to trim the fat at Sony, for both of us.
Whoever is in charge of the Playstation Network needs to swallow their pride and copy the hell out of Xbox LIVE. I'll even give you a few suggestions:

Step 1. Common Courtesy.
Make sure everyday of the year, Playstation Network is working. If not, put up a notice or bulletin on your website explaining why and how long we have to wait for service again.

Step 2. Celebrate the New
Give me a reason to go back to Playstation Network regularly. What day can I expect new stuff? On Xbox LIVE it's Wednesdays. I usually go there every Wednesday, at the least, just to check on what's new. Because I expect something to be going on, I continually go back for more, which keeps my excitement level high. Get a calendar program going FAST.

Step 3. Work Together
Now this is probably going to be hardest for you guys. You all seem to be trying your hardest to make each other go out of business. Synchronicity, folks Synchronicity. Why aren't there trailers popping up in the Playstation Store every week? Why, why, why?? Because some of you aren't working together to make sure I want to buy your Sony digital goods. It's a family affair. Play nice and make some sales. PS3 is your second opportunity (PSP was the first) to bring some love to the boardroom.

Step 4. Go Back to Great
The PSOne and PS2 were milestones in gaming history. But guess what? Those days are over. Don't try to tell me that PS2s still sell more than Xbox 360. Don't try to tell me that PSP has more games that are higher rated than the Nintendo DS.
My PS2 has a pristine Network adapter. I can't download squat! I wouldn't want to. PS2 was about the games. PS3 and PSP are about the gaming world. Not the entertainment world. The gaming world. Get it straight.
So, maybe while I'm downloading a demo on PS3, I could read an article on an upcoming game on my PSP - all delivered from SONY. Take back the audience. We are your fans. Spoil us, cater to us, but for goodness sake STOP ignoring us! Some of us would like to spend our money with you. Learn from Nintendo here. You think the Nintendo website features people standing around using Sony products? Hell no! They show what you want ON those products. It's the gaming media. Again, the world of gaming.

In closing, this is just a small sample of what you can do right to repair the wrong. Playstation is in dire need of a surface buff. Dig your heals in and give us something good. Oh! you did that with PS3 and PSP. Now prove it!

2007 is here. Now what are you gonna do to make it better than ever for Playstation and ultimately Sony?

Concerned but hopeful,
Varchesis, Sony fan

Playstation ID: Varchesis
(good luck, Playstation Network down again 1/13/07)

Thursday, January 4

Another Oldie but Goodie Video

Man, I have thought this so many times...
What had I thought so many times?
The way the Lord of the Rings SHOULD have ended...

Lol. Haaaa....

Wednesday, January 3

PS3 + Wii + Xbox 360 = Fight!!

So, here we are.. 2007. The video game industry now has three big next-gen consoles out on the market and gamers all over are thrust with one big problem.

Which system is best for me?

Arguments will go on indefinitely as to which next-gen system will win the most sales and the most developers. (Wii, you are barely next-gen, no DVD?)

Obviously, Nintendo is leading the pack in terms of sheer excitement and new system sales. Microsoft is doing well with their sophomoric console. Which leaves us with the over-powered, slightly costly Sony PS3. Flamers jump in and flame-fest all you want later.

The prevailing thought seems to be, and recent interviews with top execs in various video game studios confirm this, that it's best to make the game that appeals to the most people and you'll make tons of money, which lets you develop more games, and so on.

But isn't this the outmoded thinking of business pre-information age?

Let me illustrate:
Hey! I've got a new product! It's called Shoez!
Everyone can use it. Shoez wrap around your feet! It keeps your feet comfy and warm!
Buy Shoez today. Walk softer, warmer!

Hey! I've got a new product! It's called Style!
It's a shoe that is comfortable, stylish and fits just you.
Breathe. Live. Express.

So, what's going on here? Both examples are selling a shoe, right? But one shoe is trying to please everyone and the other is reaching for a certain market. One shoe company is happy to make whatever it can selling itself as a generic item. The other shoe is making itself interesting to you and your life. That shoe is trying to become part of the way you live everyday, not just cover your feet.
I believe the the game industry is facing the very same problem thanks to that all pleasing, leave no one out machine called the PC. On the PC, you could make games for everyone. Old, young, male, female, hard-core, casual, whatever! It tried to please everyone thanks to it's similarly focused OS, but even in the PC hardware business, different is also very popular.
Just look at Alienware computers.

Alienware sells stylish computers that do what other computers can do if you're willing to spend the money. The same can be said of Nike shoes. They strive to sell shoes that become an accessory to your life, not just your feet.

Apple computers does the same with a tiny MP3 called the iPod nano - you choose the color. The new business model of the information age isn't sell a generic product to everyone. It's make a unique product that everyone will want in their lives.

Which brings us back to video games~
Now EA makes a lot of games and most of them are yearly sports releases, but shame on them for not getting that a baseball fan isn't the same a football fan or a basketball fan. Each customer base has it's favorite and some customers like them all. But how can a company with the experience and know how of EA look at Sony's PS3 and say it may not be profitable to make games for it?
A divergent video game market is easier to analyze. If the game systems are so different that it divides gamers into large groups, which games does each group prefer to buy? The video game console companies made it easier on developers! A Nintendo Wii fan may not like Xbox 360 and a Xbox 360 fan may not like the PS3. Simple. Developers may need to start figuring out which console is going to help them survive. Adaptation not expansion.

Sony is making the most powerful, versatile system. Microsoft is making the strongest online platform. Nintendo is making the most intuitive controller/console.

Which brings us back to the video game industry~
In 2006, Microsoft obviously sold more consoles than Nintendo or Sony. Nintendo sold the second largest amount and Sony was last. But wait? Microsoft wins again?? Or is 2007 going to be the year of the Wii? Or what?

The whole debate over Sony's demise, the coming revival of Nintendo's console business (oh yeah, N64 and Gamecube, yikes!!) or the newcomer with the great online strategy is largely a moot argument. Each system generally appeals to a different audience and each system appeals to a different pocket-book.
Installed base is a valid concept for business, but it may not be paint the whole picture. Will Sony learn from Microsoft's online business? Will future Wii owners buy a Xbox 360 to get in on the ability to play movies, download entertainment and play next-gen games? Will Microsoft use it's early lead to dominate the game frontier as it did with the operating system business? Only time will tell.

I personally am betting that the company that has made the biggest strides in the video game industry over the last 10 years, Sony, will continue to do what they do best and that's make strong sales, by securing hardware performance and wide developer support, just like the PC has done and continues to do. I think the age of exclusive franchise game licensing is over. Some say that may play into Microsoft's hands, I believe it will only help Sony. If all else fails, stick with the industry leader. Just look at the Playstation 2's meteoric sales totals.

Microsoft has a strong online strategy with Xbox LIVE, but many gamers are still not playing or paying for games online.
As for Nintendo, my lazy hands are still waiting for their real next-gen console which I estimate will be on the market within 3 years.

If Microsoft doesn't differentiate itself enough from Sony's do all PC competitor and better support original Xbox games, it may still be Dreamcasted. Leaving new gamers looking to a more powerful, eventually cheaper and better supported little gaming console called the PS3 or the real Nintendo Revolution.

Game on.

Monday, January 1

Happy New Year!!

May Saturn err.. Father Time watch over you with a kind eye rather than with sharpened scythe during 2007. Have a great new year all!

Fun Links for the new year

The Latest Video Game News from 1UP

Total Video Games News Feed


PS3 Fanboy

Kotaku: PS3

Xbox 360 Fanboy - Latest News

Anime News Network

Hack a Day